Handbags 101.
My goal is to support the independent handbag designer whether it be a handmade designer who is based in China or Mexico or a budding luxury brand out of London or Los Angeles. I do not discriminate from talent, hard work and creativity. I do however, have developed quite the following for the Celebrity Bag Watch section. After an interesting trend meeting, we all had this obvious realization that brand name handbags need to cost at least $1000. Is it for status? Is it because our favorite celebrities have this disposable income to buy bag after bag? Is it because it is in style and they must be seen wearing the latest "it" bag? I decided to get to the bottom of this.
These times are criticall, people are cutting off hours or worst even, firing or not hiring people right now. So what do we do when we love fashion and we want to carry the best purse out there without spending? Check your Mom's closet, yours, or even (i know) buy a non-designer brand purse at any local departments stores or even Forever 21. Look, I use to work in one of the best retail department stores out there, I was thought how to distinguish from authentic to non-authentic (as we call them, FAKES) we were not allowed to say that word in public.
Well, time has past by and we do not have extra $1200 to purchase a purse and don't forget the $540 for the wallet. Please girls (and some boys), we donot have to showoff to anyone but ourselves. If you have the budget go ahead, we all deserve a treat every now and then.
I have found, unfortunely some few non-authentic vendors out in NYC Canal's Street as well as Downtown LA's Fashion District. Be wise, donot buy a non-authentic Louis Vuitton, Gucci or Goyard, they are the worst out there. I found a few good ones like Miu Miu, Jimmy Choo, Marc Jacobs and even Chanel. A big leather purse without any tacky logos to be found, at a price range of $225-300 and let me tell you, they look exactly the same. Last year I purchase a Miu Miu black basketwoven leather tote priced at $1276, I went to Canal Street with "the guy" and compared, OMG, I went back returned the damn bag and purchase it again for $225. So ladies and gent's go ahead, don't be ashamed and search for that special purse that is waiting to catch your eye without spending that extra amount of ridiculous money!
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