I admire everything that Julian Schnabel's amazing creativity produces! Paintings, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Gramercy Park Hotel and The Pink Palazzo...Stupendous! Alright, you may think I have lost my mind for liking a pink palazzo plopped on top of an old factory and most of New York does too but it's truly a work of art. As much respect as I have for all the famous architects building now, I'm quite frankly tired of the same look out there. They lack a soul but Julian Schnabel's new building in the West Village has soul and style to spare.
Before I came back from NYC, I had to go see his masterpiece.
The building houses five residences including his own which is the perfect backdrop for not only Schnabel's own art but his amazing collection of art by Luigi Ontani, Francis Picabia, Cy Twombly, and Man Ray. You can see it all the way from Bleecker, West 4 and of course from Hoboken, NJ.

Last I heard, prices on the two, a duplex and a triplex, each nearly 4,000 square feet, have been reduced to $24 million from $32 million, and to $23 million from $27 million. Those prices may be negotiable. Still, at over $6,000 per square foot, if reached they would set a record for the area, beating out the sale of a Meier penthouse three years ago for $4,565 per square foot.

I remember, November 07, I was in front of the Chupi, named Palazzo Chupi after Mr. Schnabel’s pet name for his wife, the actress Olatz López Garmendia (abbr. Chupa Chups lollipops), and I was admiring and loving it, it is a piece of art, and a lady was walking by and laughed, and I turn and ask what is so funny, it seems like she was laughing at me, and she said in a very heavy polish accent, that she has been living in the Village for over 15 years and she has never seen anything so ugly in her life, that it would destroy the heart of the Village. I was impressed by her comment, she kept on going and going, never stoped, until I did. I told her, I have been a Julian Shnabel admirer for a while now, he has done whatever the hell he likes to, painting, film making, interior design and now an architect. Schnabel's signature works contain an underlying edge of brutality, while remained suffused with compositional energy.
If I had extra $24 million laying around and I had the opportunity to buy a piece of the Palazzo I would...would you?